
This study of health in Monterey County was sponsored by the Monterey County Health Needs Collaborative.The partnership includes Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System, Mee Memorial Healthcare System, Natividad, the County of Monterey Health Department, and United Way Monterey County.

Visit Monterey County Health Needs Collaborative

Detailed findings and source descriptions are provided in the full 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment Report, which can be downloaded using the link above. If you have questions, comments, or feedback about this study, please email one of the partners below:

Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula,
Monica Sciuto, monica.sciuto@montagehealth.org

Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System
Karina Rusk, krusk@svmh.com

Mee Memorial Healthcare System
Elsbeth Wetherill, ewetherill@meememorial.com

Hillary Fish, fishh@natividad.com

County of Monterey Health Department
Krista Hanni, hannikd@co.monterey.ca.us

United Way Monterey County
Katy Castagna, katy.castagna@unitedwaymcca.org

Area Outlook

  Area US  
Food Insecure 40.8% 34.1% unfavorable
Fair/Poor Health 18.8% 12.6% unfavorable
Uninsured (18-64) 8.4% 8.7% similar
Difficulty Accessing Care 73.9% 35% unfavorable
Specific Source of Care 72.7% 74.2% similar

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